Friday 14 December 2012

Perch Stairlifts – Will I Benefit from a Perch Seat?

If you have restricted movement in your knees, there are mobility solutions to help make it easier for you to get up and down the stairs, such as a perch seat which is available for both straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts.

Perch seats are suitable for anyone who struggles to get to a seated position. This can be for any number of reasons such as hip problems, back problems, or those who have difficulty bending their knees due to severe arthritis.

For some of our customers a perch seat provides a much more comfortable alternative than a seated stairlift as it means they can remain in an upright position on the short journey up and down stairs.

It also means greater independence for the user as they can once again access all floors of the house and there is no need for any major upheavals such as moving downstairs, or into single storey accommodation.

There are both curved stairlifts and straight stairlifts available with a perch option and our engineers will be able to discuss this feature with you on their home visit and whether this is suitable for you.

Straight Stairlifts - click here to view our range of products

Curved Stairlifts - click here to view our range of products

What is a Perch Seat?

Perch seat stairlifts have a platform for the user to stand on and a small seat which the user can lean against as they travel up and downstairs.

The seat is positioned above the stairlift motor and is much smaller than those found on the standard seated versions of the straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts. This eliminates the difficulty of having to manoeuvre in and out of a chair when mounting and dismounting from the stairlift. 

How is it Used?

Perch straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts are just as safe to use as the standard seated versions. The only difference is that the user remains standing and either has a single bar, or arms at either side of the seat to hold on to while the stairlift is in motion.

It is available with similar features to the seated stairlifts such as a padded seat (to lean against), a remote control operating system (which can also be operated by a carer) and a key switch to prevent the stairlift being used by children or other family members who may be tempted to play with the device.

Are There Any Other Reasons to Have a Perch Seat?

A perch seat is not only used by those who have difficulty getting into a seated position, but it can also be used by those who have very narrow stairs – a perch seat will protrude less into the staircase.  It is ideal for town houses, for instance, when the stairs may be particularly slender.

Perch straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts are available with a foldaway footrest (or stand on platform) to maximise space when it is not being used.

Which Makes and Models Have a Perch Seat?

We sell various models of Minivator straight stairlifts and curved stairlifts with a perch seat. Our straight stairlifts include: The Simplicity 950 Plus, The Minivator 950 Slide Track and the Minivator 1000 and our curved stairlifts feature the Minivator 2000.

The Simplicity Plus benefits from Minivator’s easy to use toggle, which is suitable for people with limited movement in their hands.

There is also option of a manual or powered hinged track so the track does not get in the way of hallways and doors. The lift can be charged anywhere along the rail so it can still be used, even in the event of a power cut.

The Minivator Slide Track means that the track moves automatically with the stairlift, so it does not get in the way of hallways and doors and it can be used with the Simplicity and Simplicity Plus models.

The Minivator 1000 is a good all round stairlift and there is also an all-weather stairlift available for use outdoors.

Minivator has a good reputation in the industry and in addition to the variety of straight stairlifts with a perched seat, is the curved option, the Minivator 2000, which also benefits from the simple to operate toggle. 

How to Explore the Option of a Perch Seat

You can either try out a perch stairlift in our showroom or you can talk to an engineer in the comfort of your own home who will explain its use.

Whatever your needs, Ransome Mobility’s experienced engineers will be able to talk through the various options with you. It may be that you would benefit from a perch seat in the future and we can look into the possibility of whether you would need this now, to save on having to upgrade at a later date (as this will save you money in the long run).

Once the stairlift is fitted, the engineer will test out and fully demonstrate how to use your new facility and will make sure you are completely confident about operating the stairlift before leaving.

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